Sunday, November 29, 2009

Issue 2

Recently at the AMA Awards, Adam Lambert, American Idol Season 8's runner-up, Adam did something controversial that shocked everyone while he was performing on stage which was kissing one of the band members who's a guy also.

When I saw the video on YouTube, which you can watch below, I too, was shocked to see it. But nevertheless, no matter what strange things he does, it's his style and the way he presents himself as a performer and singer.

I like singers and performers for who they are and their talent based on their singing abilities and not for their sexual orientation. Adam Lambert has been one of the greatest talent American Idol has got, and no matter what he does, he'll be one of my favourite singers.

What do you think, did he go too far? Watch the video below if you haven't seen it.

That's the end of Issue 2.

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